Join the Producers' Circle

Play your part in Lighting Up Lives in Inverclyde 

The Beacon's Producers' Circle consists of those who love the Beacon and want to play their part in producing the best live performances and outstanding exhibitions for everyone in our region. 

The Beacon gratefully receives grants from the Scottish Government, through Creative Scotland and from Inverclyde Council. However, this provides us with less than a third of what it costs to deliver our varied and excellent programme of work over the course of a year.

By joining the Producers' Circle, you will play your part in

  • bringing our independently produced panto to the stage
  • co-producing new productions and premiers of new plays
  • ensuring that our programme of performances continues to include something for everyone
  • enabling us to work with all communities in Inverclyde
  • supporting people to harness their own creativity 
  • bringing the benefits provided by the arts to young people
  • providing support for school groups to come to the Beacon
  • lighting up lives through the arts 
  • ensuring that we have the best possible technical facilities to support our programme 
With thanks to our Producers' Circle members for their support:
Andrew Bowman, Terry Dillon, Margaret Harron, James Haworth, Marion Peat, Judith Kilvington 

Join the

Producers' Circle

Producers' CircleCircle Level 1

Producers' CircleCircle Level 2

Producers' CircleCircle Level 3

Producers' CircleStalls Level 1

Producers' CircleStalls Level 2

The Beacon's origins are as a memorial to the friends and family member that the people of Inverclyde had lost in the Second World War and this farsighted and generous action continues to inspire us and provide entertaining and thought-provoking work that will appeal to all the communities we serve. By joining the Producers' Circle, you become part of the Beacon's team. Together we can ensure that everyone in our region has access to first class performances and an opportunity to access their own creativity throughout participatory arts. 

Angels Level

£5000 annually

  • Enjoy everything included in Producer's Circle - Stalls Level 2
  • Five further pairs of complimentary tickets over the year
  • Named point of contact in the Director's office who will look after your ticket needs
  • Contact us below to become an angel

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