It is our mission to light up lives through the arts and we strive to ensure that people of all ages and from all backgrounds benefit from seeing and participating in the arts, and in this way becoming a part of Inverclyde’s long and rich cultural story. 

The Beacon’s Pay-it-forward scheme enables you to help us to deliver our mission. By donating to the scheme, you contribute to:

  • Subsidising the cost of tickets for children and young people, families, carers and those unable to attend a live performance on the grounds of cost
  • Subsidising the cost of drama classes and participatory arts workshops for people of all ages who would otherwise be unable to join in
  • Subsidising the cost of transport to performances and participatory arts sessions

We are most grateful to our generous audiences who each year support us in delivering the joys and creativity that the arts provide to all of Inverclyde’s communities.

Thank you!

Image: Beacon Young Company at SURGE Fest 2024.

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