SCDA Western Division Final

Beacon Arts Centre Studio
Standard- £13+fees All 3 nights- £35.50+fees
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Thu 3 Apr: 7:00pm

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Fri 4 Apr: 7:00pm

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Sat 5 Apr: 7:00pm

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During the dark winter months, member clubs of the Scottish Community Drama Association learn lines, rehearse, paint scenery and make costumes, working together to present their chosen play as part of a national competition. Competing firstly in their local area, the winners of that competition progress to a “Divisional” competition which this year returns to one of our favourite venues at the Beacon.

You’ll be treated to 8 varied performances from the Teams, presenting a mixture of comedy and drama, and whilst are amateur, the standard of productions match many a professional performance and we look forward to welcoming you.

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