Education Education Education

Beacon Arts Centre Studio
£14 Standard + fees
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Fri 20 Sep: 7:30pm

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Sat 21 Sep: 7:30pm

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Education Education Education by The Wardrobe Ensemble

It’s May 1997. Tony Blair has won the election and Katrina and
the Waves have won Eurovision. No one knows who Harry
Potter is. Britain is the coolest place in the world.

At the local secondary school it’s a different story. Miss Belltop Doyle can’t control her Year 10s, Mr Pashley has been put in charge of a confiscated Tamagotchi and Miss Turner is hoping that this muck-up day goes smoother than the last. Tobias, the German language assistant watches on. Things can only get better.

Greenock Players are delighted to present the inventively theatrical and irreverently funny Education, Education, Education which premiered at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2017 where it won a Fringe First Award before touring the UK.

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